Spectating the Baja 1000 I like Baja California. I started going there for camp trips with my dad in the late '50s. I entered my first off road race, the 'Baja 1000' in 1970 building and driving a dune buggy. Racing was my life for the next 20 years, but now I'm a spectator and have been for some time since I quit racing offroad cars. I like Baja's remoteness. I like the challenge of getting out there and getting back again with only what you've brought with you. To this end I loaded up my '94 Dualsport DR350 in mid November to go see what I could see of the Baja 1000 race. You see, I live a little north of San Diego, Ca so it within easy riding distance for me. I met a couple riders from Colorado at the Tecate border crossing. We planned to ride down thru the Mountains east of Tecate, and eventually end up in San...